The Torino Film Festival created the Torino Grand Prix in 2009. This award is riserved to filmmakers who, from the emergence of the nouvelles vagues on, have promoted the renewal of the film language, the creation of new aesthetic models and the popularization of the most important trends in contemporary cinema.
This year, the award will be given to John Boorman, for the originality with which he brought together the realistic impact of Free Cinema, which was at its highpoint when he began his
filmmaking career, and the explosive power of the visionary tradition of British culture and cinema. Leo the Last, Hope and Glory and The General on the one hand, and Point Blank, Deliverance, Zardoz and Excalibur on the other: these films are a good example of how he alternated and combined these two inspirational models. A sense of one’s roots as the fundamental cultural matrix, the Arthurian legend and, thus, a constant questing, the search for initiation and maturation, the contrast between civilization and nature and the bursting in of brutality: these themes have been the leitmotiv of Boorman’s opus. With these elements, he has penetrated to the depths of the nature of contemporary man.
John Boorman will be present in Torino to receive the award on the evening of Wednesday, December 1st. The presentation will also feature the projection of his 1972 film Deliverance, for which he received an Oscar nomination.
Besides receiving many Oscar and Golden Globe nominations, Boorman won two awards for best director at the Cannes Film Festival, for Leo the Last (1970) and The General (1998).
John Boorman will be at Torino Film Festival 2010 next 1st december, in a special event-night with the screening of “Deliverance”, the 1972 movie for which Boorman was nominated for the Academy Award.
by Ilaria Rebecchi