Il libro bianco dei Beatles
La storia e le storie di tutte le canzoni
by Franco Zanetti
(The white book of the Beatles – The history and stories of all their songs)
Here you may find the anecdotes and tales that gave birth to the most sung lyrics of all times! The record producer who refused to publish in the US the first 45 RPM defining the Beatles as a bunch of beatniks; The song on air at the Roosevelt Hospital in New York when John Lennon was dying; The occasion during which the band performed under the nicknames of Mr Manning, Mr Stone, Mr Leslie, Mr Hargreaves; Stanley Kubrick’s movie from which some scenes were selected for the video of Magical Mystery Tour. These and much more are the stories that are unveiled by Franco Zanetti’s book. From October 5th it will be out in Italian bookshops. ‘Can’t Buy Me Love’ is what John, Paul, George and Ringo said about money, but it can buy a great book on their songs!
By Chiara Spagnoli