Ferrara, july 20th – 2011
Gates Opening 19.00
Ticket Price Euro 20,00 + boxoffice commission
How to get to Ferrara, car parks, where to sleep.
The city of Ferrara is located in the north-east of italy, in the Emilia-Romagna region, near
Bologna. The city is well served by the Italian motorway and railway networks, as it is
located on the main line that connects the cities of Venice, Padua, Bologna, Florence and
The airports of Bologna Verona and Venice are close and very easy to reach as well.
A13 Motorway, “Ferrara Nord” and “Ferrara Sud” exits. (Link road with the Ferrara-
Portogaribaldi highway, leading to the Adriatic Sea and seaside resorts).
Bus lines 1 and 9 run until 21:30, connecting the city centre (where Piazza Castello is
located) to the railway station. Get off the bus at the stop located in Viale Cavour, near the
Central Post Office (fourth stop). Alternatively, the same distance can be coverd by a ten
minute walk.
Car Parks: first of all, there are two big unattended car parks in via Darsena: “Centro
Storico” and “Ex-MOF”, the latter being located near the intersection with Corso Isonzo .
“Diamanti” car park can be good as well (Enter from Via Arianuova). From there, it is
possible to reach the city centre on foot in 10-15 minutes, walking along the beatiful
medieval road Via Ercole D’Este.
“ CENTRO STORICO” car park.
A13 Motorway, “Ferrara Sud” exit. (Directions Via Bologna – Foro Boario – Via Darsena,
check the road markings).
It is situated in the southern part of the city, close to the southern branch of the Medieval
Walls. It is very close to the city centre. Entrance from Via Darsena. The car park is open
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cars only. Bike rental and Mobility Center services
available at the pedestrian exit.
Working Days: from 7.30 to 20.00, first hour rate: € 0.50; “all day” rate: € 2. From 20.00 to
24.00, first hour rate: € 0.25; max.: € 1 (Free from 24 to 7.30).
Sundays and holydays: from 7.30 to 20.00, first hour rate: € 0.25; max.: 1€. From 20.00 to
24.00 first hour rate € 0.25; max.: € 1 (Free from 24 to 7.30).
How to pay:
There are three automatic cash points. Insert the ticket released at the moment of entry
before getting back to the car and going away. Take care of the ticket, it’s not possible to
leave the car park without it.
“EX MOF” car park. FREE.
A13 Motorway, “Ferrara Sud” exit. (Directions Via Bologna – Foro Boario – Via Darsena,
check the road markings).
Placed in the southern part of the city, near the “Centro Storico” car park, it allows access
to the south-western portion of the city centre. The car park is open 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week, and it’s free.
In working days, a taxibus service to the city centre is provided; it runs from 7.10 to 20.00,
with a 6-7 minutes frequency. A daily ticket at € 0.50 fare is available on the minibus.
A camper-reserved area provided with specific services is situated near the car park.
“DIAMANTI” car park.
A13 Motorway, “Ferrara Nord” exit. (Directions: Via Modena – Corso Porta Po – Viale
Belvedere, check the road markings).
Placed near the Diamanti Palace, the magnificent building realized in 1493 by the architect
Biagio Rossetti, it provides access to the central and northern part of the city. Entrance
from Via Arianuova. The car park is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cars only.
Working Days: from 7.30 to 20.00, first hour rate: € 0,50; “all day” rate: € 2. Free from 24 to
Sundays and holidays: Free.
How to pay:
Parking Meter. It accepts coins, card.
“RAMPARI SAN PAOLO” parking zone.
A13 Motorway, “Ferrara Sud” exit. (Directions Via Bologna – Foro Boario – Corso Isonzo,
check the road markings).
Paying from monday to saturday, from 7.30 to 20, first houre rate: € 0.50; “all day” rate: € 2
How to pay:
Parking Meter. It accepts coins, card.
www.trenitalia.itCAR PARKS
www.ferraratua.comRADIO TAXI:
0039 0532 900900SLEEPING IN FERRARA:
Ferrara Ostello Estense 0039 0532 204227Campings:
Ferrara Campeggio Estense 0039 0532 752396INFOLINE:
Emilia Romagna: 340 2299355
Ferrara: 3282155255
Veneto: 3483776033
Cittadella – Padova: 3406227125 – 3463571216