by Ilaria Rebecchi
I live in a peaceful place, called Vicenza: it’s a little city full of factories and countryside, where technologies, economy and innovations are the most important things in our lives, even though sometimes it seems to me I live in a very quiet city, where “nothing really happens, day by day”.
Nothing more false, and last Saturday TEDxVIcenza 2016 well explained to all the public at the Teatro Comunale.
Let’s Start from the beginning: TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a nonprofit organization that creates events with the aim of bringing together the most amazing and innovative minds and ideas of global thinking. TED firmly believes in the power of ideas to change the behavior and people’s lives and how they relate to each other. The Organization grants, under licence, the possibility of creating local versions of TED, TEDx events (x = independently organized TED event), with the aim of conveying the spirit and experience TED to a growing audience. So it happens since last year also in my city, Vicenza, thanks to a talented crew of young professionals from PR to event planning, to coordination and marketing.
Last May 7th a public of 950 people had the chance to see one of the most inspiring events in their own life, I bet it: so full of grace in the aim and in the mission that all of us went home full of energy to (really) change the world with ideas.
And let’s explain more about the speakers, trained by master actor/presenter Neri Marcorè to explain their mission, life and experience following the theme of TEDxVicenza 2016: Play.Pause.Restart.
Starting from Claudio Bertorelli, architect, about the importance of the future urban landscapes, to the visual artist Victor Perez with all the magic of visual effects from Batman to real life, and Luciano Canova, economist, on happines value and cyber-criminologist Francesca Bosco speaking about how online crimes evolved, or the genius of Stephen Hicks , on his studies about new technologies for blind people.
After a little pause, came the turn of the rock’n’roll ambassador, musician and radio-speaker Nikki, with a little trip into the world of music and its famous pauses, to the Sea Shepherd photographer Marianna Baldo and her environmental activism to protect Earth, to musician Xavi Lozano explaining how it’s possible to play with daily things like musical instruments, to the re-evolutionary Susanna Martucci and her company mission to create things with self-recycling. On stage also the “self-haking” scientist Marie Moe who lives with a peacemaker as “connectivity comes vulnerability”, and the runner Andrea Budu Toniolo who ran more than 4.000 km last year to go from Veneto region to Nordkapp, or the scientific researcher Dario Polli explaining his project able to develop an innovative microscope based on pulsed laser and the beekeeper Andrew Cotè about how “honeybees are magical ambassadors of sweetness and have been around longer than the Himalayas”.
So, after playing and pausing, here’s the time to restart to rule the world with powerful ideas.
Nothing more to say than: thank you TEDxVicenza staff, speakers and mission.