admin On novembre - 5 - 2010

“Strategies Against Architecture IV”


Pitchfork / Mute
8+ / 10
Glacial atmospheres forced with the post-industrial flow by the storic german band, that gives this compilation-best of their more recent carreer, from 2002 to nowadays.
Listening to the two volumes of this “Strategies Against Architecture IV” is a mephistophelean trip that speeds you fastly to cosmic locations, into a kaleidoscope of images and sounds, that your mind has to follow and both create, into an ipnotic vortex of increasing dissonance, where the ‘80s influence is clear as well as the alienating pipes and hammers represent in such a faithful way the contemporary decay of men and society, urban settings and times, modernity and contacts between people, that you can only fly over it and with the softly psychic nightmares that will capture you in strong theatrical sounds, in the middle of nowhere.
Great modern nervousness and sophisticated implications of mythology.
I –
01 – Perpetuum Mobile [Single Version]
02 – Selbstportrait mit Kater [Full Version]
03 – Ein leichtes leises Sauseln
04 – Youme & Meyou
05 – Dead Friends [Around The Corner]
06 – Insomnia
07 – Party in Meck-Pomm
08 – X
09 – Floorpiece Grundstuck
10 – Good Morning Everybody
11 – Waiting For The Call
12 – Wo sind meine Schuhe
13 – GS1 & GS2
14 – Palast der Republik
II –
1. Sendezeichen Phase 3
2. Tagelang Weiss
3. Wenn Dann
4. Jeder Satz Mit Ihr Hallt Nach
5. 5. Susej
6. Magyar Energia
7. Birth Lunch Death
8. Weil Weil Weil (Freie Radikale in …
9. Unvollständigkeit
10. Let’s Do It A Dada
11. Bertolt Brecht und der Weltempfängter
12. Musterhaus-Ausstellung
– I. Anarchitektur
– II. Et Cetera
– III. Weingeister
– IV. Tohu


by Ilaria Rebecchi

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