With a script written by “24 Hour Party People” actor Chris Coghill, The Stone Roses’ 1990 Spike Island gig will soon become a new movie.
Coghill, dancer Bez (Happy Mondays) in the 2002 film about music scene in Manchester, has also scripted a forthcoming new movie helmed by Misfits writer Tom Green.
Green said: “This is a raw and truly authentic rites-of-passage story. It’s full of the humour, heartache, dreams and fears of being part of a brotherhood of mates, and set to the greatest record ever written [The Stone Roses‘ 1989 self-titled debut].”
More news to be announced, stay tuned!
Stone Roses – “Something’s Burning”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyvZ1IRKRZg&playnext=1&list=PL2E61094059033CB3&index=23
Live Forever, the 1990’s gig documentary – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mpBD1Gi_0E&feature=fvw
by Ilaria Rebecchi