Centers on a long-distance relationship between a young American man and a young British woman who meet while in college, the romantic drama “Like Crazy” will give you all a jump into romance and tenderness like nothing else in the last years.
Starring Felicity Jones, Anton Yelchin, the movie is directed by by Drake Doremus, a 28 years old director which talent, as Jones’ one, is now one of the most requested in independent british cinema industry.
Winner of the Best Picture Prize at the last Sundance Film Festival, sweet and lovely scenes drawing a picture on Jacob and Anna’s love, from their starting to distance from USA and UK, from marriage to other little relationship.
The two main protagonists seems to be connected but such a strong feeling, unique and passionate that their love can not be destroyed over the passing of time and people.
Such an extreme love story, so delicate and hard, realistic like nothing seen at cinemas in the last years, excellent in the eyes of Felicity Jones and in this love growing from sms to flight from land to land.
But is this real love, or only the unique falling into, the aim of our couple, and are these feelings so strong to live throught the passing of time and age?
Lovely, of course, but also tearfull and true.
Need to be seen over and over..