admin On novembre - 1 - 2012


From the typical Argentinian comics tradition toward Italy and Sergio Bonelli's Tex: master comic hero Enrique Breccia, since 1970's pop-comic icon, illustrated King's Road something on his amazing art, also concerning his great exhibition at Lucca Comics & Games 2012.

Comics and paintings are two completely different parts of my work. I can consider the first one as something directed to a specific public and commerce, while painting is for me something private and pure! Concerning my actual experience at Bonelli Publishing working for Tex, I have to admit that I've always wanted to work for Sergio: he was a great man, full of art and passion. I remember our meeting only a few wees before he died last year. He knew about everything on my Argentina's history, and he asked me to give him some books on my country's wars. Unfortunately I've never been able to give these books to him.”

About my work? I have to say that I do not believe in inspiration and Muses: I think they are just romantinc inventions… In my personal experience I have to admit that I have a very hard and raw way. I work every day about nine hours, including on saturday and sunday!”


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