Neu Groenland, 2011
post punk
To reform or not to reform? That is the question.
After “Red Barker Tree”, by The Wire, another hero-band of Uk punk/post punk era has already come back with the reunion, after years of silence.
Ladies and gentlemen here you are the Gang of Four, with their latest “Content”.
Born in Leeds in 1977, from an idea by frontman Jon King and guitarist Andy Gill, in 1979 GOF came out with the terrific album “Entertainment!”, one of the best masterpieces in punk music from The Clash to Sex Pistols, mixing punk essence to a little bit of dance gloom and exclusive combination between strong guitars and mood and the so provocative voice of Jon.
The split in 1983 firstly, and then came back in the early ‘90s and in 2044 again, changing line-up.
Here they are, now, with an album where public and critics, fans and new addice will be divided.
So full of rhythm, never forgiving the punky style, but mixing it, now, with more producted sounds, full of radio-catchy influences, without so many experimentations or not in so strong pop way.
But, of course, they’ve created songs deserving to be heard, and loe too, in a ghostly appearance like sons of Roxy Music and David Bowie, in 2011.
Uprising punk, today, seems to be impossibile, even for punk heroes of the last ‘70s, but, we have to say, they still are the Gang Of Four, creating music that need to be at the top of the charts, as, influencing btoday bands like The Rapture, Bloc Party and Radio4, Flying from sardonic lyrics to lovely sounds.
To be heard, after all.
by Ilaria Rebecchi