La Tempesta
8 / 10
The smell of the absence, and the mute presence.
“Cattive Abitudini” is only the latest album by one of the headmaster-bands of italian underground music scene, Massimo Volume, after an eleven-years period of silence.
It can be also considered a tribute to Robert Lowell, one of the most important confessional poets, as well as Emidio Clementi can be considered too, despite of his writing not in prose, during the years.
The album swarms of images of avant-guard poetry, where people, situations and locations live in the songs, from Litio to Invito al Massacro, a declaration of independence by Clementi in the problematic protagonist of the song.
The martial drum by Vittoria Burattini is the perfect base for the evanescent guitar by Egle Sommacal, in the connection between Sonic Youth, Fugazi and Patti Smith, where Lou Reed still lives in Coney Island and the soft blues meets the lovely songwriting mood of Mi piacerebbe averti qui and the claustrophobic exageration of Fausto, and where the words by Emidio are absolute values of a typical (and maybe lost) italian poetry surrounded by mistery and by the sensational cerebral heaviness between music illuminism and romantic writing.
Another diamond by Massimo Volume, mixing music, literature and theatre, for one of the best italian bands, ever.
Take for yourself an hour of silence, and listen.
Do it for you. Please.
Robert Lowell
Coney Island
Le nostre ore contate
Tra la sabbia dell’oceano
Avevi fretta di andartene
La bellezza violata
Invito al massacro
Mi piacerebbe ogni tanto averti qui
Via Vasco de Gama
In un mondo dopo il mondo
Web: www.myspace.com/volumemassimo
di Ilaria Rebecchi
Thanks for the info
Good article