Here you are a short list of the upcoming movies selected in the different sections of Berlin film Festival 2011, that will ake place in the german city from february 10th to 20th.
Bizim Büyük Çaresizliğimiz (Our Grand Despair) – by Seyfi Teoman
Coriolanus – by Ralph Fiennes.Out of competition
Lipstikka – by Jonathan Sagall
Pina – by Wim Wenders. Out of competition – TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXpFD7gi8R0
Wer wenn nicht wir (If not us, who?) – by Andres Veiel
Yelling To The Sky – by Victoria Mahoney
The Future – by Miranda July
True Grit (I Grinta) by Joel & Ethan Coen. Out of competition – TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1NCYD9giAo&feature=fvst
[For the Italian movies, announced and Out of competition:
Qualunquemente (by Giulio Manfredonia) and Gianni e le Donne (by Gianni Di Gregorio).]
by Ilaria Rebecchi