A sophisticated and technically stunning animated reflection on recent history.
It’s the end of the 1980s, and as the Berlin Wall is falling down, an event that has huge significance for his country and the wider world, there appears to be little so dramatic in the life of Alois Nebel. Alois is an introverted loner working at a small train station in Bílý Potok, a remote village on the Czech-Polish border, who doesn’t much seem to care for the company of others.
When a mysterious mute man turns up on the station platform clutching an old photograph, the resulting consequences provoke Alois on a journey of self-discovery.
Adapted from the graphic novels of Jaroslav Rudiš and Jaromír 99, Alois Nebel is a sophisticated and serious-minded reflection on recent history that is technically stunning in its use of seductive black and white rotoscope animation. The dreamlike visuals and fairy tale elements of the film don’t detract from its humane agenda or political concerns; indeed, these elements compliment each other perfectly.
Tomas Lunak
Miroslav Krobot, Marie Ludvíková, Karel Roden, Leoš Noha, Alois Švehlík
Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia
Jaromír 99, Jaroslav Rudiš
Running time
from BFI London Film Festival 2011