admin On febbraio - 22 - 2011

Film-documentary on Yves Saint Laurent, presented at the latest edition of Roma Film Festival 2010, last november, “L’Amour Fou” reveals a picture on one of the most important artists of the last centuries, from the beginning of his long career ad a designer, to working at Christian Dior maison from 1955, to the starting point when he opened his own fashion house, Yves Saint Laurent on 4th December 1961.

The story of this amazing hero of art and fashion, died in 2008, starting from his birth, going to his passion, from Bergé’s love story to work problems, illness and the ethernal love for beauty, is directed by
Pierre Thoretton, and told by the loved eyes and words of Pierre Bergé in a delicate movie full of art.


by Ilaria Rebecchi

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