admin On dicembre - 6 - 2010

The short animated cartoon released by Disney in 2003, is an amazing production originally creaed in 1945, after a private meeting between Salvador Dalì and Walt Disney, about a short-movie project inspired by the combinazione mixing the Surrealism and imagination of the two genius of art.
The movie was completed only in 2003, when Roy Disney decider to re-work on the story-board from the Disney’s archives, with a team of 25 animation experts in Paris.
Destino” is the movie: about 7 minute for a masterpiece, also nominated for the academy Awards in 2004, now in the special edition (blu-ray and dvd) of “Fantasia”, came out in these days to celebrate its 70th anniversary, including also “Fantasia 2000”, celebrating its 10 years.

Here you are some clips.

by Ilaria Rebecchi


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